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ukraine boat drone

Ukraine Boat Drone - A small, unmanned watercraft of unknown origin washed up in the Black Sea off the coast of Crimea, near the Russian naval base in Sevastopol, late last month.

Photos posted on Russian social media show what appears to be a new surface drone made from parts of merchant ships packed with explosives that may explain the Russian Navy's recent tendency to keep warships in port for three weeks. last.

Ukraine Boat Drone

Ukraine Boat Drone

The unmanned surface vehicle has not been identified by national markings, but the character of the USV and the Russian response to destroy the watercraft suggest that the drone is from Ukraine.

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Photographs released on social media reveal key components of the USV that provide better clues to its function.

Analysis of photos of the craft reveals that it is propelled by a recreational watercraft. The Waterjet was specifically identified as closely matching a Sea-Doo design, to

"No Step" sticker on the housing. The lines on the thrust return indicate it's a relatively recent model, possibly a GTX or Fish Pro model, based on the images.

Sea-Doo is a Canadian manufacturer of personal watercraft. The company sells its products worldwide, mainly aimed at the civilian market. This means that a Sea-Doo would be relatively easy to obtain.

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External indications did not give strong hints about the power plant. But some Sea-Doo models have high-performance three-cylinder gasoline engines from Rotax that can propel the watercraft up to 70 miles per hour. Some recreational boats may be diesel or electric, but gasoline seems to be more compatible with Sea-Doo watercraft.

Another key feature of the USV is the drone's random burst method. In the arch, two projections are tentatively identified as impact fuses. These are similar to fuses in aerial bombers, such as the Soviet-era FAB-500 family, which are still widely used today.

The fuse is likely connected by a cable to the detonator and warhead. The size and location of the warhead is unclear, but it is likely to be loaded into the forward half of the ship.

Ukraine Boat Drone

While personal boats are generally made of fiberglass, or similar materials, the explosive USV appears to be constructed of aluminum based on the boat's appearance in photos on social media.

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Last month, a Pentagon spokesman would not confirm whether the unidentified USV, the USV, was delivered to Ukraine earlier this year.

Other groups, notably the Houthi Movement in Yemen and Al Qaeda, have used USVs as explosive devices in recent years. Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps may assist the Houthis in the design and use of USVs, the USNI previously reported.

(702) were killed in a drone strike blamed on the Houthis, the US 5th Fleet confirmed at the time.

But the older explosive drone ships were adapted to manned ships and retained a pilot position for longer transports. Due to its size and lack of a pilot station, the suspected Ukrainian vessel is clearly unmanned. The smaller size features a lower profile, making it harder to detect and counter.

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The discovery of the new USV explosive could explain the lack of Russian military operations near Sevastopol and around Crimea. Since the mystery of the USV was revealed in late September, the Russians have withdrawn from the protected port of Sevastopol, reduced the number of warships hiding outside the harbor and used a boom along the mouth of the harbor to control access. often, according to ship guards.

The Russian Navy began active patrols in the Black Sea only from Sevastopol after the attack on the Kerch Strait bridge on October 8. Russia says Ukrainian aerial drones and unmanned surface ships targeted the home of its Black Sea fleet, damaging at least a minute.

Crimea's largest city and home to Russia's Black Sea fleet erupted in explosions and anti-aircraft fire during an attack Russian officials said involved aerial drones and specifically unmanned surface vehicles (USVs), both of which were 'suicidal' or '. The kamikaze types are meant to detonate when they reach their target.

Ukraine Boat Drone

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have since released a series of incredible footage purported to be from several unmanned surface vessels used in the attack. The video shows that the attack was carried out on a guided missile frigate and Russian forces engaged the USVs with machine guns.

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The USVs appear to be of the same design as the mysterious drone ship found near Sevastopol in September.

The mysterious unmanned surface craft washed ashore in Crimea in early September. At the time, the War Zone analysis said the low-profile craft without a motor ski was a 'suicide drone' configuration of explosive weapons.

Russian officials claimed that one ship was lightly damaged, while all Ukrainian drones were destroyed, and that "British specialists" were involved, without providing any evidence. Russian officials stationed in occupied Crimea called it "the most massive since the beginning of the special operation".

The low-light footage clearly shows a Project 11356R Admiral Grigorovich-class warship - one of Russia's most modern and powerful warships - under way, alongside the port of Sevastopol. There are reports that there

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, although low-light footage from the USV appears to show it getting very close to the missile frigate before further port footage leads to an explosion on CCTV.

Another video released appears to corroborate separate footage showing a Russian Mi-8 'Hip' helicopter engaging a coastal target. The USV speeds through the waves with heavy machine guns, at one point narrowly missing a small harbor patrol boat before a distant CCTV camera shows it likely disappearing into the sea.

Video from Sevastopol showed several explosions both in the water and near the port, and the Russian Defense Ministry confirmed the mine.

Ukraine Boat Drone

The Russian Ministry of Defense (MOD) said Ukraine launched an attack against its Black Sea fleet at 4:20 am. "With the participation of British specialists," according to his Telegram channel, slightly damaged a ship with a boom net.

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Britain's Ministry of Defense (MOD) said Russia had "communicated false claims on an epic scale", without specifically mentioning the Sevastopol attack claim. We've contacted the British Ministry of Defense for clarification and will update this story with any information we receive.

"The attack involved nine unmanned aerial vehicles and seven autonomous naval drones," the Russian Defense Ministry said. The swift action of the forces of the Black Sea Fleet destroyed all air targets.

During the attack, on the road outside Sevastopol, "four unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed by naval and naval aviation of the Black Sea Fleet, and three more were destroyed on the inland road," according to the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said that Russia "suspends its participation in the implementation of the agreement on the export of agricultural products from Ukraine".

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Russia claims that the decision was taken due to "terrorism committed by the Kiev regime with the participation of British specialists" today "against ships of the Black Sea Fleet and civilian vessels involved in the security of the grain corridor".

The Russian Defense Ministry said that "the training of military personnel of the 73rd Naval Special Operations Center was carried out under the supervision of British specialists in the city of Ochakov, Nikolaev region of Ukraine."

Highlighted in particular how Russia has increased its security leading up to the port of Sevastopol, likely due to the threat of drone attacks.

Ukraine Boat Drone

According to the attack, the occupying Crimean authorities ordered civilians to turn off the city's surveillance cameras and videos.

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. The security services, he said, "are dealing with the video fragments already published that make it possible to discover the city's defense system."

As we predicted at the time, a drone attack on the Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Sevastopol over the summer proved an incredible harbinger of the war's next chapter. Ukraine has used improvised unmanned systems - mainly so-called 'Alibaba drones' - to attack across its territorial borders and even into Russia. The introduction of unmanned drone ships configured as anti-ship weapons is an extension of these tactics. Russia's use of a mass of Iranian kamikaze drones against Ukrainian infrastructure in the past two months, as well as Ukraine increasing its kamikaze drone operations in an effort to retaliate, has further evolved at least one key aspect of the conflict into a war . the drone. quality.

1.) If they started from land, they would have to travel at least 130 miles. Not too far overall, but for a small unmanned surface vehicle that rides on a drive like a jetski, there would be a big trade-off between fuel capacity and weight of explosives/warheads. That is if they didn't launch ships, but that would be a dangerous issue in this area as Russia closely monitors movements in this area.

2.) The exact control concept for this drone ship is unclear. It appears to be a beyond-the-line-of-sight (BLOS) man-in-the-loop concept. If so, that has huge implications for something so small and relatively sophisticated. It puts many ports at risk, over long distances, also potentially from non-state actors. They do not have

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